March 25, 2019 Waiting In Pahrump

Day 2 Walmart Pahrump, Nevada

We were at the Jeep dealer well before 8 am. We walked back and stopped at Starbucks for a coffee treat.

We replenished supplies, and washed the screens and windows. We went for a bike ride. Tim found this ice cream shop. Since I hadn’t had breakfast, I wanted food. I had a hot dog and Tim had a large vanilla cone.

We spent the day waiting. At 1 pm we got an update call. They were still working on the Jeep. The axle was hard to get off because there was a lot of grit and corrosion in there…not sure how that might have happened?!? At 4:30 we got another call. The Jeep was probably not going to be ready today after all. At 5:45 we got the call telling us it would be finished sometime tomorrow morning.

As I was making dinner, Tim was riding his bike in the Walmart parking lot. He saw a guy walking through the lot with a bike tire in his hand. The man was a man of lesser means. The nearest gas station is at least a mile away. Tim offered to help fix the tire, using our air compressor. The bike was this man’s only ride.

We are spending the night at Walmart again.

We heard from a good friend today. It is humbling to us when we learn that someone is reading our blog. You don’t know how much that means to us!