Day 3 Oxbow BLM Campground Ehrenberg, Arizona
We decided to stay one more day. This site along the river is just so lovely! We hate to leave. I was up to see the sun come up through the clouds.

This morning we took Cibola Road out into the mountains.

It is warm and sunny and the wildflowers are really beginning to pop!

Lunch spot.

We took the road to its end and then back along the Colorado River through the Cibola Wildlife Refuge.

The refuge is home to badgers, coyotes, bobcats, feral burros, and all kinds of birds. We saw lots of roadrunners, several hummingbirds, a few jackrabbits, and lots of lizards. We saw lots of evidence of feral burros but no burros. These burros are relatives of burros left behind or lost during the California Gold Rush.

The top off and loving the sunshine!

When we were in Alaska we heard that moose poop was good fire-starter. We tried it for ourselves and it really worked well…so all this burro poop…is burro poop a good fire-starter??? Only one way to find out…

We spent more time talking with our neighbors Bonnie and Davis….so many places to see…so much to share!!