February 26, 2019 Giant Men In The Desert

Day 2 Oxbow BLM Campground Ehrenberg, Arizona

As we went to bed last night there was an owl singing us our evening lullaby.  We were awake at 3am.  The moon had risen over the river and it was gorgeous.  Not long afterward, I had drifted off to sleep and Tim heard coyote howling.  This morning I was awake early and watched the sun come up.  There is a whole lot happening in this quiet little place.

Bob and Ryan were packing up and getting ready to put in and float down the Colorado…safe journey gentlemen.

We headed toward Blythe to see the geoglyphs or ingtalios. 

In 1932 a pilot was flying over the desert and he saw pictures in the desert.  This art is etched into the desert floor and in places the etchings are as deep as six inches.  No one knows when these giant drawings were made, or who made them, or even what their significance really might be.  Scientists believe that they may be thousands of years old.  There are people who believe that because of their size and detail, aliens came from space to assist in the renderings.  Neither Tim nor I really buy into the whole alien theory.  Tim thinks that if someone outlined it for him, he and Butch could have completed a drawing in a couple of days.  The drawings were almost destroyed by people carelessly driving over them. 

Now there are chain link fences that surround them.  The largest of the figures is 171 feet long and about 90 feet wide.  I was awestruck by these ancient messages from the past.

We took the Worthington Trail through the foothills and into the Maria Mountains. 

All at once, we found ourselves in a wash with no trace of the trail.  We both got out of the Jeep and walked around looking for tire tracks or a path free of giant boulders…no luck!  We think that recent rains may have washed the trail away!  We turned around and went back the way we came…no matter…it was a beautiful ride!

Lunch spot.

We took the shortcut on the power line trail to the next trail to the north.  It was VERY BUMPY!!!  Tim wished he had not chosen to go that route.  We don’t mind riding on a rough road but “that thing was obnoxious.”  It also seemed to go on forever…but at last we were on a regular rough road!  This road also led us along a ridge and up into the mountains.  We are so lucky to be doing this.  I believe that we were the only two people who got to see what we saw today.  We didn’t see anyone else up on the ridges. 

We got back to the RV and our dinner was still frozen so we had eggs and toast.  We met a couple from Wisconsin.  Davis was also a bricklayer and so he and Tim had lots to talk about.  I shared a bunch of literature about this area with his wife.  It is interesting to talk to people from everywhere and find that you have things in common.  Age, children, grandchildren, occupation, life goals, search for sunshine and warm weather…