February 14, 2019 RAIN! What A Difference A Day Makes!

Day 3 Rockhouse Canyon Road Borrego Springs, California

The rain began last evening and continued steadily through the night and through most of the day today. We decided to use today to catch up on the blog and to do laundry in town. It was raining as we left and as we traveled the road was covered with more water. We could feel the Jeep hydroplaning as we went.

Everyone else thought today was a good laundry day as well…it was a hopping little place!

When the clothes were finished, we decided to go to Kesling’s Kitchen for our lunch. It had nice Mediterranean food and we shared a salad and some hummus and flatbread.

We drove back toward our RV and saw the first sign…Road Closed Ahead!

By this time, there was even more water on the road.

The next sign was before our turnoff…

We had to get to the RV, so we bypassed the road closure and made it to the campsite without any trouble. We decided to go off-road for a short time to see what happens to the roads and washes during a rainstorm.

This area was a bone dry lake bed just yesterday.

The washes were filled with swiftly running water. It was time to go home!

The rainfall total was 2.68 inches!!! More than half of the annual rainfall average!

As the sun was setting, there were some small glimpses of blue sky!

We enjoyed some grilled chicken Marsala and slightly brown (burnt) bread for our Valentine’s Day dinner. Not such an exciting day!