February 12, 2019 Among The Mountaintops

Mileage:  57,927 Rockhouse Canyon Road Borrego Springs, California

This morning we packed up the RV and got ready to take it into town to the dump station.  We needed to empty our sanitation tanks and we needed fresh water.  Once we had taken care of business, we drove out to Rockhouse Canyon Road.  This is another free dispersed camping area. 

We packed a lunch and went for our daily drive.  The paved road, Montezuma Valley Road, that we took out of town took us among the mountaintops.  We were at more than 4,010 feet of elevation. It was a beautiful drive. 

We went off-road at Old Culp Valley Road, we took that to Jasper Trail, and then Grapevine Canyon.  This was one of my favorite drives.  The trail was a little rough, we were on a rocky road with a fairly significant gully.  One tire was off the ground…not sure how far!

We emerged onto highway 78 and took the Mine Wash Trail.

The wildflowers are just starting to bloom here.  People come from all over the country to see the flowers.  The prediction is that since the fall and winter have been wetter than usual, the wildflowers will be extra special this year.

Arizona Lupine
Almost blooming…Indigo Bush
Desert Sunflower
Brown-Eyed Primrose
Too Early To Tell!
Ghost Flower
Creosote Bush

Lunch spot.

Our tilapia dinner tonight included the lemon that Tim handpicked and brought to me!

This life that we are living might seem odd to you but…to us…we feel so very fortunate to be able to get up everyday and do this together!  We are carefree and stress free and happy!