February 11, 2019 Bike Ride Canceled, Off-road Again!

Day 5 Ocotillo Vehicular Recreation Area Borrego Springs, California

Our intention this morning was to take our bikes to the town of Borrego Springs and ride around. I wasn’t able to make it very far. The wind irritated my throat causing me to cough like crazy. I surrendered after only a couple of miles. I am getting better…I’m just not ready to cycle yet. I went and waited for Tim to ride, sitting in the sunshine and thinking that in itself was very therapeutic!

When Tim was done riding, we went to Kendall’s Cafe for brunch.

Tim had an off-road adventure in mind. We drove through lemon and orange groves to get to our trail.

We met this guy driving a boat…

With 200 miles of off-road trails at Ocotillo Wells and another 600 miles at the adjacent state park, I was wishing that the trails came with some kind of description so you would know what to expect. I have come to discover that I really like not knowing. It makes each ride a surprise…kind of like a Christmas gift…you aren’t sure what you might find inside! Today’s ride was a good example. We made our way across the desert plain.

All at once there was water to cross…and more water to cross…

We found ourselves in Sheep Canyon. There is a primitive campsite there and it is on the short list for possible adventures when Kyle and Allison join us in a couple of weeks. It was 12 miles off the paved road and it was beautiful and peaceful there.

The day didn’t end up like we planned but it turned out to be an amazing day anyway! We grilled burgers tonight while we watched the sunset.

2 thoughts on “February 11, 2019 Bike Ride Canceled, Off-road Again!

  1. With the desert rains be very careful of water crossings. It’s not necessarily the depth or force of the water but what’s underneath the water: sand, rocks, etc that can cause issues. We experienced burying our four wheel drive truck in sand that had been washed in from an earlier “flash flood.” We had to be pulled out.

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