February 5, 2019 Solo Adventure

Day 3 Arizona West RV Park Yuma, Arizona

Since it was evidently clear that I was still not ready for adventure today, Tim began to plan his own bike trip. He plotted a course to the town of Somerton 16 miles away. His route took him through citrus groves laden with lemons and oranges, along canals, and through farm fields. It was a nice day for a ride and he enjoyed it very much. He was getting pretty antsy waiting for me to get well…he needed to get out for awhile.

Tim arrived in Somerton and waited in the park under the water tower for me to come to get him.

We found a little Chinese/Mexican restaurant for our lunch.

Lee and Claudia had taken Aunt Mavis out to the farm fields nearby. They were able to talk to a couple of men working with a team who was harvesting cauliflower. They were given an entire case of fresh cauliflower and they were generous with the gift. We have 2 beautiful heads of freshly picked cauliflower in our fridge. We give so little thought to how our food is grown and how it arrives in our local grocery. It was interesting to hear what they learned. The produce is processed on a conveyor right on the field. It is cut and trimmed and washed and packaged and boxed and loaded onto pallets and goes directly to a cooler within 2 hours of being picked.

We traveled to Old Yuma for dinner with Lee and Claudia, tomorrow they return to Tuscon and we will travel west into California. We have enjoyed spending more time getting to know them better…two very gracious and kind people.