January 30, 2019 Day 1 In The Desert

Kofa Wildlife Refuge – Palm Canyon Road

Mileage:  57,319

We drove back to Kofa this morning and traveled in the RV, towing the Jeep, 8 miles down the dusty gravel road that leads to Palm Canyon.  We were able to get a free campsite in “dispersed camping.”  There are places along the park road where you can plant your rig and stay for as long as 14 days. 

We took the Jeep on a rough road called Kofa Queen Canyon Road.  The steep mountains nearly engulfed us as we made our way through the narrow passage.  The sky was brilliant blue, the sun warm, and the scenery incredible.

We have started to notice changes in the desert flora.  The wildflowers are beginning to bloom.

This cactus is a jumping cholla.  It is called a jumping cholla because the stems are easily broken.  This allows bits of cactus to fall to the desert floor where they begin to take root.  These pieces are also easily carried in the fur of animals or on items of clothing and spread through the environment.  In the past several days, these cacti have started to develop buds.

Happy hour today…because we were feeling happy!

Cactus spines hurt!

We met our neighbor, Bob.  He has been fulltime RVing for the past 5 years.  It was great to talk with him.  He had lots of good ideas for things we should try to see while we are in the southwest.

As we cooked dinner, the sun began to set. The sky was a glorious canvas. 

The mountains to the east were bathed in fiery red light.

We are looking forward to exploring more tomorrow!