January 25, 2019 Cycling The Canals

Day 6 Arizona West RV Park Yuma, Arizona

We began our bike ride at Caballeros Park.

This trail follows the West Main Canal. We initially had golf courses on our right. Across the canal was farmland.

We rode through residential areas…some nicer single family homes, some trailer parks, some very large and beautiful homes.

The trail had these dips built into the hillside above and extending down into the canals. I cannot imagine what a heavy rain must look like here. The ground is so dry and dusty and there is nothing to hold it in place. These washes help to direct the rainfall and collect it.

As we have traveled across the country we have seen cell phone towers “disguised” as crosses, pine trees, and palm trees. I’m not entirely sure who they think the are fooling!

At the West Wetlands Park we stopped to eat our lunch and watch a group of older gentlemen steering their remote control sailboats across the community pond.

Our ride took us though the adjacent park, Playa Linda.

“Sports do not build character, they reveal it.” The same might be said for hard work.

As we traveled past this field the air was filled with the aroma of cilantro. On the way north we faced a headwind. How very nice then on the return trip to be pushed along by a tailwind!

We didn’t get back to the RV until late afternoon. We got some groceries and rested. This evening we went back to Yuma and had dinner at the Prison Hill Brewing Company. We were able to sit outside on the patio and enjoy our dinner.

I don’t have a lot of pictures today and I don’t have a lot to say. Today though was a very good day! The warmer temperatures might have helped!