January 18, 2019 A Day With Lee and Claudia

Day 3 South Forty RV Ranch Tucson, Arizona

We slept in this morning and it felt wonderful! We spent the morning cleaning the RV, fueling the car and doing other small errands. We packed a picnic lunch and at noon Lee and Claudia were here to lead us on an adventure. We began our tour of southeast Arizona in Madera Canyon. We drove along the highway through scruffy desert. It was a gorgeous day for a drive.

This is the Santa Cruz River…dry as a bone!
Lee and Claudia leading the way
Wild turkeys

Our first stop was at this neat little gift shop. They feed the birds in their side yard. There were scrub jays, hummingbirds, and lots of other birds I have never seen before…I have some learning to do!

We stopped for lunch…they brought delicious wine and dessert. Food tastes so much better when you eat it outside with friends!

After lunch we drove through Box Canyon. This was a dirt and gravel road with hairpin turns and steep drop offs…very beautiful too!

Taking the turns!!
Another dry riverbed

We traveled to the eastern portion of Saguaro National Park and road through the loop until sunset.

We have never seen this sign before!

Our last stop for the day was Saguaro Corners where Lee and Claudia treated us to a delicious dinner. It isn’t often that you meet people that you instantly like…Lee and Claudia are that sort of people. So gracious and kind. They went out of their way to make sure that we had a great day! We appreciated it so much. We feel like our new friends are kindred spirits. They get us and the whole RV thing…that is after all how we met them! We look forward to future adventures with the two of them…hopefully in Yuma!!!