January 8, 2019 Louisiana Bayou

Mileage: 55,524 Grand Isle State Park Grand Isle, Louisiana

After almost 11 hours of sleep, we headed out. We enjoyed our breakfast on a bench in Biloxi. I never knew the Mississippi coast was so beautiful.

Breakfast on a bench by the beach in Biloxi

We decided today to travel on Route 90 along the water.

“Take the road less traveled” she said.

“Let’s go the back way to Arizona” he said.

The truth is that we were both craving a quieter, slower pace and this was the perfect ride. We crossed over the Mississippi River and over multiple bridges into bayou. It felt like we drove over as much water as land today. It was almost 80 degrees and sunny and we could feel ourselves relaxing. We are slowly getting accustomed to this “just us” existence again.

Tim picked Grand Isle as our destination. To get there we passed through a gritty part of New Orleans…no time to stop there on this trip. We traveled 60 miles off of 90 to this last island on the Mississippi Delta.

We stopped at the Shrimp Shed for fresh shrimp for dinner…heads on!


We got to Grand Isle in late afternoon. We rested for awhile and then biked around the park.

We watched the sunset from an observation tower. As we stood there together, I told Tim that if anything ever happens to me…I want him to let everyone know that I loved my life. I was lucky enough to be in Atlanta taking care of the David and Dre and the babies, Kyle and Allison are coming to Arizona to meet us in a few short weeks, and I get to spend this precious time with Tim traveling. I am so very grateful!