Day 10 Arizona West RV Park Yuma, Arizona
Today was spent getting ready to camp in the desert. When we went to Kofa Wildlife Refuge the other day, we scoped out an area where we can park the RV for a couple of days. There are no hookups and no other services for miles. Today we did all the laundry, got firewood, propane for the grill, groceries, filled the fresh water tank, emptied the grey and black tanks so that we would be ready in the morning. We were finished with our chores and after lunch we were rewarded with some playtime. We took the bikes back to West Wetlands and rode along the Colorado River. We took at break to rest on a picnic table and I was cloud watching.

The view was outstanding.

I got to the top of the hill ahead of Tim. He is itty bitty on the gravel road far below.

This train is crossing the Colorado River from California into Arizona.

We decided to go out to dinner one more time. We have been trying to go to Da Boyz Italian Restaurant but once again they had a wait. We went back to Prison Hill Brewing and got the same thing we had the other night…yum!

A walk back to the car.

If the blog isn’t posted for the next several days…don’t worry about us. We will be in the desert and I’m not sure if we will be able to post. We will catch up when we get back to town!