October 2, 2018 Riding With Rosa

OK RV Park Holbrook, Arizona

Mileage:  51,963

So, last night we we chatting with our campground neighbor.  She was from Idaho.  We were talking about trips we had taken and then we started talking about the weather.  She said she and her husband had decided to hunker down and shelter in place because of the big storm coming.  They didn’t want to travel because the hurricane was forecasted to bring lots of rain and flash flooding.  Hurricane???  Sometimes we live in our own little world and since we are not watching TV very much and we never watch the news at all…who knew there was a Pacific hurricane, Rosa, headed in our direction?  We went to dinner and then returned and started trying to gather information to make a decision.  We were going to take Highway 66 on a scenic route from Kingman to Sleigman.  There was already flooding in southern Arizona.  It was supposed to rain all night.  We decided to wait until this morning to make a plan.  I woke up early and it wasn’t raining at all.  We decided to take Route 40 instead of 66, thinking that it is a newer more modern road and it might be less likely to have flooding.  We also decided to leave as soon as we could and try to beat the rain.

We stopped to fuel the RV and there were two snowplows sitting in the parking lot…whatever for???  Mudslides maybe???

The morning was progressively cloudy as we traveled through the Arizona desert.  The scenery looked like great mounds of sand and rock with bits of cactus scattered on top…like sprinkles on ice cream.  We could see Rosa making her way toward us.

Finally, it began to rain, lightly at first and then steadier.   Much of the day looked like this.

We stopped at Meteor Crater.  50,000 years ago a meteor 150 feet across and weighing more than several hundred thousand pounds crashed into the earth.  It left a crater with a 3 mile circumference and a depth of more than 700 feet.

The Apollo astronauts trained in this crater.

It stopped raining!

Our next stop was Winslow, Arizona.  You might recognize this street corner from an old Eagles song “Take it Easy.”

We stopped for the day in Holbrook, Arizona.  We either had to stop here or travel another couple of hundred miles over the New Mexico border.  After driving and riding in the rain most of the day…we were tired!  The campground had pieces of petrified wood…so cool!!!  This rock is from the Triassic period, 230 million years ago.  Wood becomes petrified when the organic material in the tree is replaced with minerals, mostly silicates or quartz.  The process of petrification occurs when the wood is buried under sediment or volcanic ash and is deprived of oxygen.  This transformation occurs over millions of years.


We have passed Joshua National Park, Sequoia National Forest, Hoover Dam, Las Vegas, and today…the Grand Canyon.  There are so many places of incredible beauty to come back and see.

We had Maryland crabcakes for our dinner tonight…yum!


2 thoughts on “October 2, 2018 Riding With Rosa

  1. Everything is just beautiful. Your statement of having Maryland crabcakes
    was unbelievable. Truly, did the crabmeat really come from Maryland?
    Did you make them or buy them? Yum is right, would love to have Maryland
    crabcakes myself. Take care Love Sandy

    1. Hi Sandy!
      Yes, I brought Maryland crabmeat from home and made crabcakes!
      They were delicious!!
      I will have to bring you some next time we come to visit!
      Love, Anita

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