October 1, 2018 Mojave Desert

Zuni Village RV Park Kingman, Arizona

Mileage:  51,656

Our drive today was 150 miles through the Mojave Desert.  This is a brown, barren, desolate piece of earth.  The soil was sandy and studded with sharp rocks, prickly cacti, low scraggly bushes, and garbage.  But even here there is great beauty.  The Providence Mountains were looming on the horizon.

We stopped for breakfast.

It is October 1st and it is 90 degrees…I cannot begin to imagine how hot it might be in July.

We went over the Sacramento Mountains.

Over the Colorado River.

Into Arizona.

We are staying in Kingman.  We got on our bikes and rode for 7 or 8 miles on a bike path, through a park and around the neighborhood.

This evening we took the infamous Route 66 to dinner.

We ate great food at Rickety Cricket Brewing.

On our way back to the RV we stopped to peer into the windows at Dream Machines.