September 23, 2018 Almost Perfect!   

Beverly Beach State Park Newport, Oregon

Mileage:  50,351

We got all of us out and ready to roll early in the morning.  Our goal today was to get to the beach.  We were looking for a lunch spot along the way.  We saw the Erratic Rock Natural Site on the map.  We put it in the GPS.  Kyle was excited because an erratic rock is a boulder carried a distance by a glacier, eons ago…Kyle wanted to climb.  We arrived at the site and it was a little bike path back into the wilderness.  There was no place to stop and no place to park the RV.  We were all a little disappointed including Tim’s adage of “ That was it?!?  We ended up in the back of an antique store in their parking lot.  We did get to see this old truck and this old bus.

Our first glimpse of the coast was breathtaking. (Lots of ooohhs and ahhhs from Allison and Kyle)

Traveling on we found Beverly Beach State Recreation Area.  They had a path that led to the beach underneath of an intricate arched bridge which we have found to be typical here in Oregon.  We walked about a mile down the beach and then spent time just looking at the water while sitting on a bench.

Later we decided to go into the town of Newport for dinner.  We went to Clearwater Restaurant where we heard the food was good and there was great entertainment.

We were seated at a table with a view of the water.  There was a lot happening out in the harbor.  The pelicans were diving, fishing boats were coming and going. And the sea lions on the platforms below the restaurant were barking (arfing?).  We had so much fun watching it all.  The food and wine were good and the company was wonderful.

After dinner we went down to the dock to see the sea lions closer. There were about 6 platforms and almost 40 sea lions. We had learned at dinner that they were all males who were camping out north in Oregon after mating season down in California. It was amazing to see how their social circles worked with them snuggling so close. The older males would demand their own space and were fast to voice their displeasure at the younger buddies trying to hop on their platform.

We all agreed that this would be an evening to remember and that today was a very good day!

Guest Contributors: Allison and Kyle

“Learn from yesterday, live for today, work for tomorrow.” – Albert Einstein and Tim Pearce