September 21, 2018 A Walk In The Woods

Millersylvania State Park Olympia, Washington

Mileage:  50,163

We decided to travel to Olympia so that we could get our errands done and so we wouldn’t be too far from SEA-TAC International Airport.  We were settled in by noon.  I worked on cleaning out the Jeep and Tim worked on the windows and wheels.

We took a break to walk in the woods.  We did the 3.8 mile perimeter trail.  The weather was mild and the trail was pretty flat.  It was a nice walk.

We saw this woodpecker.  He doesn’t look like any we have at home.  His head was a burgundy color.  I think maybe a red-breasted sapsucker!?!  I just learned that sapsuckers drill evenly spaced rows of holes in trees and then use the sap in the holes to attract insects.

It was nice to stroll along and really look at the details.  This leaf is bigger than Tim’s foot.  It comes from a bigleaf maple tree.  The leaves can be as large as a foot across.  The trees can grow 100 feet tall and the trunks can be 5 feet in diameter.

There were other large firs trees as well.  This tree was broken at the top but it was well over 120 feet tall.


We saw two of these garter snakes.

This squirrel likes pine cones.

Three kinds of tiny mushrooms.


The rest of the day was spent getting groceries and cooking for company!!

4 thoughts on “September 21, 2018 A Walk In The Woods

  1. The kids are so excited getting ready for the visit. They both seem to be suffering a bit from allergies the past few days, maybe the change of location will help.
    Love your pictures and stories of you adventures.

    Thanks for inviting Allison out.
    Take of my baby! 🙂

    Hope you have a wonderful trip.

  2. Hi Anita & Tim,
    I spent almost 2 years at Ft Lewis, Wash and did some traveling while there. Near the end of the month we would go to the Olympia Brewery and take the tour 3-4 times just to drink a free beer.
    I don’t know if they still make Olympia beer after all these years. We also had Hams beer out of Montana, Falstaff and Coors but my favorite was and always has been BUD! Of course I’m talking about 1962-1964, more than a half century ago. My My, I’m old!
    Keep on having fun.

    1. So glad to hear from you!
      Hope everyone there is doing well!
      I’m sure that Washington is built us a lot since you were here but there are still lots of beautiful wide open spaces. I’m sure they still make Olympia beer but I didn’t have occasion to try it. If you keep reading…we will keep trying to have fun!

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