September 14, 2018 Ozette Triangle

Van Riper Resort Sekiu, Washington Day 2

The ranger at the Olympic National Park Visitor’s Center on Tuesday told us about a hike at Ozette Lake.  The trail is called the Ozette Triangle.  Three miles on the Cape Alava Trail, three miles along the beach, and three miles back on the Sand Point Trail.  We packed a lunch this morning and headed out to do some hiking.

The 1st  three miles was mostly boardwalk with lots of steps up and down.  We walked at 2 miles an hour.

The trees are enormous!

We arrived at the beach.  At home the beach is white sand.  Here the beach was filled with all sorts of obstacles.  Rocks and more rocks large and small, logs to climb over and logs to crawl under, and lots of sea grass in great heaping piles.  Three miles of navigating over, under and in between.  The tide was low at 10:30.  High tide was at 4:30 pm.  At high tide the trail is impassable at huge rock outcroppings.  There are steep emergency trails in the woods…but the goal is NOT to be there at all when the tide is high.  We were able to complete the stretch in 2 hours finishing at 2:15 pm…the tide nipping at our heels.

The views of the water.

There are two seals out on the rocks.

The third side of the triangle.

The forest is filled with dampness, mosses, ferns, mushrooms, fungus, and slugs.

We were tired and ready to be done by the time we got back to the car.  I am very glad we decided to do the whole 9 mile hike.  It was a challenge for us but that is okay…that’s part of the adventure!