September 13, 2018 Cape Flattery

Van Riper Resort Sekiu, Washington

Mileage:  49,878

It was a chilly, foggy, misty morning.  We followed winding roads along the coast of the Strait of Juan de la Fuca.

The Olympic National Park protects old growth forests.  Some of the trees here are 200-1000 years old.

Some fall colors.

There are signs along the water warning not to harvest or consume shellfish from this area because they may contain biotoxins

The fog was gradually beginning to lift as we pulled into the campground.  The view of the harbor.

Seagulls waiting as this fisherman cleans his catch.

Our afternoon adventure took us to Cape Flattery.  The road follows the strait.

This is the most northwest point in the contiguous United States.  There is a hike through the rain forest to get out to the point.

The sea caves and the bluffs were amazing!  This is the Pacific Ocean.

And then a drive along Hobuck Beach.