September 11, 2018 Dungeness Spit


Dungeness Recreation Area Sequim, Washington

Mileage:  49,813

Our good friends Pat and Ray told us that we must see Olympic National Park on The Olympic Penninsula in Washington.  Tim said we should take 5S around Seattle and across to the scenic byway.  I looked at the map and said that we could save a lot of time ad have a nicer ride if we took the ferry from Coupeville to Port Townsend.  I was able to book the RV and the Jeep for the 1:15 ferry.  We left early in the morning thinking we would have time to explore the town before our ferry left.  It was a lovely ride.

There had to be fish coming under this bridge.  There were lots of boats in the water and fishermen on the shore.

We arrived at the Coupeville Ferry Terminal at about 10am.  The guy had us pay our toll and told us we probably wouldn’t have to wait for the 1:15 ferry.  He thought we might get onto the 11:45 boat.  Suddenly they were waving us forward.  We were on the 10:15 ferry!

We arrived in Port Townsend and continued on to Dungeness Recreation Area is Sequim.  We set up camp and packed a picnic lunch.  We were headed to the beach!  This is a National Wildlife Refuge.  The spit is formed by the wind and waves carrying soil.  The large pieces of driftwood and then plants hold the soil in place.  The spit is growing 13 feet each year.  It is a migration and nesting area for all kinds of birds.

We could feel the ocean spray on our skin.  The breeze was soft and mild.  The ocean sounds different here.  As the waves recede you can hear the stones tumbling against one another.

Later in the evening we walked along the bluff.

This was the best day we have had in a while.