August 30, 2018 Anahim Lake

Escott’s Bay Resort Anahim Lake, BC, Canada

Mileage:  49,149

When we got up this morning there was a thin layer of frost on the Jeep.   I couldn’t believe it.  The woman working at the gas station said she had to scrape her windows…it is August!!!

We were headed west and our goal was to get to Anahim Lake.  We stopped at Puntzi Lake for breakfast.  This is a lake where white pelicans nest and raise their young before heading south for the winter.  Trumpeter Swans migrate through here and stay until the lake begins to ice over, then they also head south.   Tim drove the RV on 5 miles of gravel road to get to the lake.  These ladies were in the road on the way there.

Nice lake but no migrating birds today!

Further down on highway 20 we drove over a cattleguard on the highway!  More ladies in the roadway here.  Open range territory!

We arrived at Escott’s Bay Resort in mid-afternoon.  I enjoyed sitting by the lake and watching the birds.  There were families of mallards feeding on lake vegetation.  Bottom up they would go and then they would resurface.

There were ospreys diving for fish and an eagle fishing as well.  The osprey tried to take the fish from the eagle and the eagle did a barrel roll to get away.  I am so easily entertained!  This is a picture of an osprey flying overhead with his fish.

We also saw a white pelican on the far side of the lake.

Where are we?  We are here at the pen point.

The orange dots on the map are the places we have camped in Alaska and Canada.

We grilled our zucchini and Alaskan sockeye salmon and then took an evening walk.