August 23, 2018 Kleanza Creek

Kleanza Creek Provincial Park BC, Canada

Mileage:  48,228

Holding tanks empty, fuel tanks full, underwear clean, fridge stocked…good to go!  East on 37A back to the Cassiar Highway.  On the outskirts of town, we saw a pair of bald eagles in the trees on a gravel bar along the river.  Then we saw a black bear cub crossing the road ahead of us.

There was a steady stream of logging trucks loaded and headed toward Stewart and the Portland Canal.  We read that much of the lumber is shipped to Asia and Europe.

It was a lovely ride, looking through our picture window as the world went by.

At the wheel again.

Another look at Bear Glacier in the morning light.

These roads we have traveled have no guardrails, no streetlights, no shoulders, no rumble strips, no reflective paint and some don’t have striping at all.  There is not much cell service and there are very few services.  Today we saw a motorhome with a flat tire.  They were stopped in the middle of the highway to change their tire.  The roads though for the last several days have been relatively smooth.

We turned west onto Yellowhead Highway toward Prince Rupert.  It was a nice ride along the Skeena River.  The Seven Sisters.

We stopped at an organic produce market.  This farmer who is 83 years old chatted with us for quite a while.  He had just brought warm whole wheat bread down from the house.  We got that and some real tomatoes and zucchini.

We stopped at the next turnout to make sandwiches with the fresh bread and tomatoes.  We are going to have to stop there again on our way out.

We camped at Kleanza Creek Provincial Park.  There was a nice hike to the area above the creek.  We forgot to take our camera so you will just have to imagine how pretty it was from above.

Our home for tonight.