Robert Lake Denali Highway Paxson, Alaska
Mileage: 46,381
Now that Tim has poured me my wine, I can begin writing about our day.
It was so hazy this morning that the mountains we could see last evening were hidden from view. It was still warm enough for flip flops. Big black clouds billowed behind us to the north.
Today’s ride was a lot of fun. There was so much to see. The oil pipeline crosses the Tanana River suspended between two towers. It spans 1,200 feet and it was very cool…we didn’t get pictures…hopefully we will remember on the way back.
We stopped at Delta Junction for espresso and fuel. There was a farmer’s market at the Sullivan Roadhouse Museum. Lemon bread for breakfast…yum! The museum had this pretty flower bed.
Some old trucks leftover from the construction of the Alaska Highway.
As we rode the view of the mountains and glaciers was fantastic.
We were in bison, caribou, and Dall sheep country. Unfortunately, everyone was hiding today.
We did see a couple of unfamiliar large raptors, a snowshoe hare, a moose far away in the trees, and this moose standing in the water.
At the Gulkana River Salmon Spawning Viewpoint…there were no salmon to see!
At Paxson we turned onto Denali Highway. This is the same road we took with Kyle on his first couple of days with us. We only went about 60 miles from the west. Today we are at the other end and headed east. At a rest area we met Allen. He is from Minnesota and he is scoping out the road he plans to travel next week with a group from his town. He and his wife spent years living in different parts of Alaska. He is a retired teacher and he runs an adult education class about travel to Alaska. As the end of the course, the group flies into Anchorage and for a week, Allen shows them a sample of what Alaska has to offer. How cool is that job?
The first 21 miles of the Denali Highway were paved and it was easy enough to drive the RV. After that the road was chip and seal which was also in good condition. When the road turned to gravel, we started to look for our camping spot.
We are parked on Robert Lake. It is so quiet and peaceful here. The mountains and the tranquility are soothing to us both. Allen and Tim traded “business” cards as we parted. Allen’s card says: “Once you’ve been to Alaska you never come back all the way.” I think I already understand that!
We are sharing our campground with some prairie dogs. I did not know that they lived this far north. We didn’t get any pictures of them…but they are here! Don’t be worries, we used a different fire ring!
There are some kind of ducks out on our lake. A mama and 6 ducklings. She won’t get close enough that we can be sure but they are either greater scaup or buffleheads. We have seen a lot of unfamiliar birds in the last many days.
Surprise! More exploring of the Denali Highway tomorrow.