July 24, 2018 Chores In Fairbanks

River’s Edge RV Park Fairbanks, Alaska

Mileage:  45,830.

It was a very short drive to Fairbanks from Ester.  When we arrived it was too early to check in.  Tim sent me to Walmart and the grocery store while he waited in line to wash the RV.  We got fuel, had the oil changed in the Jeep and did lots of laundry.  We need to stay an extra day here to receive mail.

It is sunny and 87 degrees here today.

There are two kinds of mice…city mice and country mice.  We don’t mind riding into the city to ride our bikes along the waterfront or to have dinner.  This applies to Baltimore as well as Fairbanks.  WE are country mice.  The wilderness is calling to us!  Tomorrow we will take a road out of the city and explore a little!

We did ride our bikes along the Chena River in downtown Fairbanks.

The Golden Heart Plaza.  This is a tribute to the first family of Alaska.

The flowers in town are gorgeous.

The Antler Arch.

Old car today.

Polaris – a sculpture representing quartz, ice and the Auroa Borelis.

And dinner downtown at Bobby’s.

We were sad to see lots of native homeless people in this northernmost city.