July 21, 2018 Whittier

Centennial Park Campground Anchorage, Alaska

Mileage:  45,425

Today we needed to make our way back to Anchorage so that Kyle can catch his plane at 2:32 am Sunday.  Coffee first.  There are these little espresso sheds everywhere!

Not eager to spend the whole day in Anchorage, we planned a field trip to Whittier, another small fishing village.

In order to get to Whittier, you have to pass through a tunnel carved into the mountain.  It is 2.5 miles long and it is shared with the train and opposing traffic.  Everyone takes turns.  The train went in first.

We waited for our turn and took pictures.  We could count at least 5 glaciers in the mountains surrounding us.

At 12:30 it was our turn.  It was cool and creepy at the same time.  I don’t think that Tim really liked driving through!

This is a small town with a deep water harbor for a cruise boat.  Parking the RV and the Jeep proved to be challenging but Tim got the job done.  Lunch was at the Swiftwater Seafood Restaurant.  Kyle got halibut and chips…you have to get them while you are here…it’s a thing!

Some pictures from town.

We found a waterfall and took a short walk.

Truck part of the day…an old tailgate.

Kyle had the perfect socks to wear today…thanks David! (edited for gma).

More trucks today.

As I have said before, the hardest thing about taking this trip is being away from friends and family.  We miss David and Andrea, the boys, and my mom terribly.  It was really special to Have Kyle here with us to share what we love.  It was nice to have a little bit of home come to us.  It is very hard to say goodbye.  We know though that in a couple of months he and Allison plan to join us in Portland, Oregon.  We have that to look forward to!

4 thoughts on “July 21, 2018 Whittier

  1. I just caught up with your adventures and it sounds like you’re having an amazing time! I’ve enjoyed all the photos too. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Thanks for following us! We are living the dream and very grateful that we have this opportunity! You and Mary have to check out the quilt Seasons of Denali. I thought of you both as I stood there taking it in. It is an amazing work of art. This is the name of the artist…Ree Nancarrow: Gallery Much love to you and Uncle Ken!

  2. This is so cool. Kyle got me connected. Looking forward to more. Have to start at the beginning to appreciate how far you both have traveled. Have a wonderful time and keep taking those pictures – Love it!

    1. So nice to meet you!!!
      Thanks for following along. We are really enjoying the ride!

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