July 13, 2108 Waiting For Kyle!!!

Centennial Park Campground Anchorage, Alaska Day 2

We slept late and then we rushed to get to my hair appointment.  This took the whole morning.

We took the laptop to Best Buy completely anticipating that it was going to be a costly trip.  I had imagined that I would need to get all of my files off the laptop somehow…and probably need a new computer…

Harley helped me.  He held the power button for 20 seconds and the laptop restarted and it is fine!!!  I was so relieved.  So now I am catching up on 3 days worth of posting.

We are waiting for Kyle to get here.  This is his first flight from BWI to Portland.

We finished our chores and decided to drive to Earthquake Park and ride our bikes.  The Earthquake of 1964 was a 9.2 on the Richter Scale.  Anchorage was partially destroyed by the quake.  Lots of buildings toppled and were destroyed.  In the park area  a large bluff sheared off taking many houses with it.  Many hours later a subsequent tsunami took even more house and lives.  The existing bank is still unstable and unusable, even for foot traffic.

The side of the trail was dense with trees.  We saw bear scat…yikes!

These pictures are across Cook Inlet.  On the other side of the road is the International Airport.  We stood watching planes approach and land.


Not Kyle’s plane…his plane lands tonight at 11:46 Alaska time.  That is 3:46 am back home.

If it were a sunny day we would be able to see Mount McKinley (Denali) 135 miles away across the inlet…not so sunny today…

Our ride was cut short because Tim’s tire was really low on air.  We saw an REI on our way back to the RV.  We stopped to get some camping pads for tent camping.

We went home and I fixed those steaks to celebrate Tim’s birthday…now we are just waiting!

He’s here!!!!!!

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