July 11, 2018 Hoping For Sunshine Tomorrow!

Quartz Creek Campground Cooper Landing, Alaska

Mileage:  44,507

We left Homer and traveled back up the Kenai Peninsula toward Anchorage.  We did stop and take a picture of one of the volcanoes since the sky was temporarily blue!  This is Mount Iliamna. This volcano has had recent earthquake activity but no recent eruptions.  The other volcanoes were still swathed in a layer of clouds.

We were driving through Soldotna and saw that there was a vendor festival of some sort.  We found a place to park the RV and walked over.  It was actually a craft fair.  There were lots of lovely things…but we don’t need any things!

Some of the sights…this poor dog.

And a mermaid.

Hey, doesn’t Sasquatch live around here somewhere?

We did get a nice lunch from The Hearth Eatery.

We found a nice place to stay at the Quartz Creek Campground.   There was a bear sighting here on July 2nd.  Being bear aware as we walk about.

We were able to go out and walk and then ride bikes before the rain began again.

We will be in Anchorage tomorrow.