July 10, 2018 Last Day In Homer

Mariner Park Homer, Alaska

Mileage:  44, 379

We decided to move down the road a piece to the beginning of Homer Spit.  We have a beachfront site, though there are no hookups here.  We are dry camping.  We have enough battery power in the coach to get us through at least a day and we can use the generator for backup.  We have enough fresh water in the tank for another night so we are going to enjoy the view.

After we were settled we decided to go for another excursion.  The weather is chilly and wet so sitting in the warm car was good!  We first toured around North Fork Loop, another scenic ride.  It was a ride in the country…very hilly with lots of trees and wildflowers.

The house up on the ridge was a log cabin with a green roof.  They are everywhere.  They belong here!

Because we had been on such a fun ride yesterday…this was a little tame.  We decided to do the Skyline Ridge Road.  The views of Homer Spit and the town of Homer and the valley below were magnificent.

That skinny piece of land jutting out into the water is the spit.  Earlier this week we were at the very tip.  Today we are camping 4 miles away, closer to town.

The views of the glaciers today were stunning.  The sun shone on them.  Even though it was very cloudy and grey, the clouds above the glaciers were lifted.

We found our way back to the beach.

You can see the rain cells moving across the water.

We saw this old truck while we were out and about.  Tim loves old trucks.

We stopped at a seafood store and bought red salmon…oh so delicious!  What a treat to have fresh fish!

We have the front window of the RV facing the beach.  It was raining and we were watching it rain.  We saw this eagle land on the beach.  We were able to watch him for a long time before he flew away.  The pictures were taken through the windshield.

Goodbye to Homer.  This was a great place to be!