July 5, 2018 “A Vista Of Incomparable Beauty”

King Mountain State Recreation Site Chickaloon, Alaska

Mileage:  44,004

I was driving 15 miles to the IGA in Copper Valley for groceries, this view of the mountains before me.

Sometimes it strikes me…I’m so far removed from home but even more so from my ordinary life.  We are definitely living outside the box.  How grateful I am to spend each day surrounded by nature and this incredible beauty.  This became a theme for the day.

Fruits and vegetables were procured…so expensive because we are in the middle of nowhere.

We took the Glenn Highway today toward Anchorage….as the Milepost says, “a vista of incomparable beauty.”

Lions Head.

These poles are the snow poles I referred to in an earlier blog.  When the snow is very deep, it helps plows to find the road.

At one point we stopped at a scenic view turnout and I had to take a moment and pause to appreciate it all.  I took pictures.

To the right.

To the right front.

To the left front.

To the left.

To the rear.

Surrounded…by spectacular scenery.

This was our lunch spot.

We saw several huge glaciers.

After lunch we had 25 miles of very windy and narrow road with a 7% grade and no passing…yes he’s glad he bought the diesel pusher!

In the distance I could see King Mountain.  It is pyramid shaped.  The guidebook said that it is at elevation 5,809 feet.  Tim said…”just  little more than a mile.”  I am always trying to put the scope of all of this into perspective.  When I was a small girl I can remember learning that there were 5,280 feet in a mile.  For a long time as a child…if there was a lot of something it was 5,280…it was the biggest number I knew.  The one mountain is a mile high…we are surrounded by lots and lots of mountains…perspective.

I tried to get good picture of King Mountain.

We ended up camping across the Matanuska River from the mountain.  Pictures from our campsite.

On the way into the campground we met this pothole.

It threw the camper in an unexpected way.  The fridge door opened.  Guinness was the only thing that was harmed in the mishap.  Tim cried and I cleaned up a major mess.  So, the world is good.  We don’t let things like that slow us down, upset us, or ruin our day.  That’s why this RV thing works for us.  We know that stuff is going to happen…it’s all part of it.  When you drag your house down these roads you are going to have things to clean up!

For our Jeep excursion today we took the narrow gravel road to Lower Bonnie Lake.

This guy was on the back of the rock so you could only see him as you left.  We stopped and asked him for directions.




4 thoughts on “July 5, 2018 “A Vista Of Incomparable Beauty”

  1. Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures and commentary. The rock “ guy” had some big teeth, All the more to smile at you!

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