June 28, 2018 Worthington Glacier Near Valdez, Alaska

Blueberry Lake State Recreation – Alaska

Mileage:  43,683

As we left Porcupine Creek we continued to follow the Wrangell Mountain Range.  This morning was clear.  The mountains that were suspended in clouds yesterday looked completely different today.  Mount Sanford is a dormant volcano.  Mount Drum is off to the right.

We saw a goat or a coyote…to far away to tell the difference.  We saw some bunnies and a clumsy looking porcupine scuttling off the shoulder and into the grass.

We didn’t see anything again for miles.  There in a moose pond was a moose cow.  This time we were close enough to get a picture.

The road surface was nice and smooth for a short while this morning and it should have been no surprise that it was rough later on.  Even so, this was the bumpiest section of road so far!  168 miles takes a lot longer when you can’t drive faster than 45 mph.

We got our first look at the Alyeska or Alaskan Pipeline today.  It runs parallel to Richardson Highway into Valdez.

The roadside was lined with purple lupine and white cow parsnip.

We passed rushing rivers and lots of ponds and lakes.  This area is big for fisherman.  The nearby waterways are good for grayling, Dolly Varden, rainbow trout, king salmon, pinks, reds, and silvers.

As we climbed in elevation we were suddenly among the mountains.  Tall, and snow covered and lovely.  Waterfalls and gorges and avalanche areas.  This highway is known as one of the most beautiful in America.

We camped at Blueberry Lake State Recreation Site and took a short walk to the ridge.  We are in an alpine area.  There are several varieties of tiny alpine flowers blooming among the rocks.

After lunch and a nap, we headed to Worthington Glacier Recreation Area.  The glacier is a National Natural Landmark.  We hiked to the base of the glacier.  It was an awesome hike and the view was spectacular.  Standing beside this glacier that is 10,000 years old make you feel very small.

A roadside memorial.

Native American wisdom.