June 20, 2018 Postcard Picture Perfect

Norseman RV Park and Marina Day 2

We had already decided last night that it is just too inviting here and we couldn’t leave.  We told Norman we wanted to stay for an extra night – even though we had to move from the penthouse campsite.  The appeal of this place is its authenticity.  The town is carefully preserved to an earlier time.  We are so fortunate that we are here now.  The weather has been brilliant and in the 80’s.  It is not peak season or salmon season here until July so it is not crowded.  We are here midweek so finding a site was simple.  This is a small town filled with warm people.

The sunshine was bright but there was a crisp breeze coming from the cold-water lake…or the snow-capped mountains.  It felt wonderful!  We toured around town picking up supplies and then headed north of town to the Taku Wild Salmon store.

We bought some smoked salmon for our picnic lunch.

With our lunch packed, we headed out for another Jeep adventure.  We drove down Warm Bay Road and the paved road became a smooth gravel road.   We went to the Warm Springs and stuck our fingers in.  It was a lovely little clearing and you could see the water bubbling up out of the ground.  There was a sign indicating that the Warm Springs was a very delicate ecosystem.

Up ahead the sign warned “Road NOT maintained beyond this point” …perfect!!

Our Jeep is filthy!!!  Does it look like we are having fun!?!

We headed down the dirt road dodging potholes and passing over a trickle of a stream.  There was a bear ahead in the road.  He was very dark but I think he was a grizzly nonetheless.  It was hard to tell because he vanished so quickly into the dense forest.

We drove on and on thinking that this old hunting road must lead to some beautiful destination…like the lake or the mountains.  We had been traveling for more than 30 minutes when a car came toward us from the other direction.  It was a family in a Cadillac.  The man rolled down his window and shouted “Where are you going?”  Tim said we weren’t sure, we were just driving.  The man went on to explain that he had gone another 10 km and finally turned around because there was nothing back there.  So, we turned around too!  We found a small clearing where we ate our picnic.  The smoked salmon was delicious!  I must admit that I was on high alert…very aware that we were sharing the woods with bears.  We also saw very large hoof prints…moose we think???

Just another day in paradise!