June 14, 2018 Alaska Highway – Sikanni Chief River

Sikanni River RV Park and Campground Peace River, British Columbia Canada

Mileage:  41,924

The day began with grey low hanging clouds.  We left Grande Prairie passing elk farms and cattle ranches.  We crossed into the province of British Columbia and our time changed to Pacific Time.

At Dawson Creek we were at mile marker zero of the Alaska Highway.

In the first 20 miles we saw 3 mule deer, a black bear, and a groundhog and then nothing the rest of the day.

We drove on a steep hill with 10% grade as we descended into the Peace River Valley.  The valley was picturesque and we crossed a suspension bridge.  Running parallel to the bridge was an oil pipeline.

We are feeling lucky because just after 60 miles on the Alaska Highway a rock the size of a golf ball hit the RV windshield and the windshield did not chip, crack, or break.  So we are constantly scanning for bear and moose and elk and deer and rough road and flying rocks.

While it is exciting to finally be on the Alaska Highway – we still have 1,214 miles to go before we reach Delta Junction.

We camped this afternoon on the  Sikanni Chief River.  We met a great couple, Lee and Claudia, from Tuscon, Arizona, who are taking their 4th trip to Alaska.  One of the neat things about traveling by RV is all the interesting people that you meet along the way.
