June 12, 2018 Rough Road to Grande Cache

Grande Cache Municipal Campground Grande Cache, Alberta Canada

Mileage:  41,558

This morning it was sunny and bright.  The sunshine made the mountains look all together different.


We were leaving Jasper when, without warning, the road we needed to take was barricaded and closed for construction.

We had to take a one lane bridge to a dead end.  Fortunately there was enough room for us to turn around without unhooking the car.  We were treated though to a spectacular view and as we were figuring out our detour, we saw 3 bighorn sheep.

Cool old truck.


We headed east for a short while on the Yellowhead Highway.  We saw a black bear ambling along beside the road.  We are on the scenic road to Alaska.  We got on Bighorn Highway north to Grande Cache .  The Canadian Rockies are now to our west.  We saw a couple of mule deer.  The roadside is lined with lodgepole pines.  Most of the area that we went through today was comprised of Provincial Parks and wildlife refuge.  There were lots of signs indicating that is was a caribou crossing area but we saw no caribou.  As we got closer to town there was logging industry.

It was windy today, buffeting the sides of the RV.  Tim noted how susceptible we are to our environment – wind, rain, snow, road conditions, road construction to repair roads torn up by weather, hills, dust, gravel road, finding spaces large enough for our 35′ motor-home and tow vehicle, and wildlife right near the roadway.  Out here if you see a rough road sign…take heed!  If a sign is posted…the road is VERY rough!  Driving here is not for the faint of heart!

We are planning ahead a little more because towns, gas stations, grocery stores, and campgrounds are further apart.  There are areas of no services for  miles and miles.  Posting of the blog will probably be erratic dependent upon WiFi and cell phone service.

We were at the campground by lunchtime.  We spent today working on the blog, updating our iphones and ipads, doing laundry, getting gas, going to the hardware store, pharmacy, and grocery store.  Now it is time to sit by this warm fire and relax!

Talking to Kyle the other day he said “you are living a really weird life!”  I love the weirdo life that we are living!!



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