June 11, 2018 Icefields Parkway Beautiful x 10

Whistlers Campground Jasper National Park Jasper, Alberta Canada

Mileage:  41,420

Leaving Banff, we were very excited about today’s drive.

It was chilly and snowing as we traveled along 93.  All at once Tim yelled “Look!  Look!  Look!” and there was a big black bear.

We stopped at Lake Louise and we were glad to be there early.  If you have never been to Lake Louise, you must put it on your list.  It is an icon of the Canadian Rockies and it is exquisite!  The pictures to not capture its grandeur.  The air was cool and crisp and clean and smells of pine.  The water is turquoise and crystal clear.  When I was a little girl my grandfather always talked about this area.  We overheard a German family walking nearby:

“So schön” – yes so pretty!

Remembering my Opa as we ride on the same roads that he and Oma traveled together…

At Lake Louise the Icefields Parkway begins.  The scenery is indescribably beautiful.  As we were driving Tim and I caught movement on the steep rocky incline on the passenger side of the RV.  Right beside the road – we looked over and saw 2 bighorn sheep scrambling down the embankment.   As we drove on, Tim saw the sheep in the rear-view mirror.  They were standing in the road.  We passed glaciers, and rivers, and lakes, and mountains and waterfalls.  Each turn with magnificent vistas.  The icefields left us speechless.  It was almost an emotional experience.  It fills you up with a sense of awe.  We were trying to absorb it all – but you cannot even take it all in.  There are no adequate words to describe what we have seen today.  National Geographic named the Icefields Parkway as one of the 10 best drives in the WORLD.

We know today was a special day.  There is no way that the rest of the way can compare!

This is a picture of Tim collecting cool glacial water from the Athabasca River- and yes – we drank it!

Our campsite at Whistlers.

2 thoughts on “June 11, 2018 Icefields Parkway Beautiful x 10

  1. Hey guys, thanks for inviting us along on your adventure. As we celebrate our traditional 3 days of spring in Maryland and swing into the sweltering summer heat, it’s nice to keep track of your progress. The pictures are breathtaking and I’m sure only show a fraction of the beauty you are experiencing. Please keep posting and know that as Terri and I check out the pictures, we are smiling.

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