June 10, 2018 Banff – Rainy, Cold, Cloudy, And Still Breathtaking

Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court Banff, Alberta Canada

Mileage:  41,233

We had a short drive today.

Our first stop was for diesel fuel for the RV.  It is sold here in liters and prices are Canadian dollars.  We spent 200.00CD on 154 liters of fuel.  154 liters = 40 gallons.  200.00CD = 154.00USD.  So fuel was $3.85 a gallon.  More expensive than home but not too awful for less than half a tank!

We checked today to see if we were halfway to Anchorage.  If we turned around and went back home it is 2,351 miles.  We have 2,125 miles to go before we get to Anchorage.

Today’s weather forecast:  Cloudy and rainy all day with a high of 43 degrees (37 tonight).

The bug collection on the front of the RV – we have to wash the windshield everyday!

Finally the Canadian Rockies!

We are camping tonight at Tunnel Mountain Trailer Court.  It is inside the national park.  We got set up, ate breakfast, and headed out.

Undeterred by the forecast we put on winter clothes and drove along 1A or the Bow Valley Parkway.  It runs parallel to the Trans Canada Highway – Canada 1.  It also runs along the Bow River – which is beautiful beyond words and pictures.  As I made the walk down to the cliff and saw the view, it was absolutely breathtaking.  The pictures I took don’t do it justice…you have to come here and see it for yourself!

This area is a critical habitat for lots of large carnivores including bears, cougars, and wolves.  Elk, deer, moose, lynx and lots of other birds and animals live here.  Highway 1A is closed everyday from March to June 25th from 8pm to 8am in order to preserve the quality of life for those species that call this home.  In addition there were several “Zone Closures” or areas “where wildlife activity in this area cannot be disturbed by human presence.”   The Canadians are so smart.

We took a short hike to Silverton Falls.

From the top Tim spotted a trail down by the water…he wasn’t sure how to get there…but he found a way!

4 thoughts on “June 10, 2018 Banff – Rainy, Cold, Cloudy, And Still Breathtaking

  1. Absolutely gorgeous pictures. That area is on my bucket list, especially Lake Louise. Enjoy!!!

    1. It is so pretty here that taking pictures is easy!
      Just wish I could really show you how it looks!

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