June 1, 2018 Launch Day

Reisterstown, Maryland

Mileage:  38, 404

Leaving home 6am Friday June 1st.

Through western Maryland, West Virginia Pennsylvania, and into Kentucky.

It is surreal.  This dream of ours actually now a reality.

We stopped for breakfast at Sideling Hill.

After 12 hours of travel we arrived in Union, Kentucky to visit with my brother and his family for my nephew Ryan’s graduation.  We brought a bushel of crabs from Maryland and enjoyed them for dinner.

3 thoughts on “June 1, 2018 Launch Day

  1. Miss you guys already. Have a great trip. I wish I was going on a trip (but not to ALASKA) I do
    believe my traveling days are over. I have 27 cruises with the wonderful guy I was married to
    for 50 years and thoroughly enjoyed everyone of them, one more than the other. ENJOY

  2. Tim & Anita, this is the third time I lost the message I typed to you all. I just want to say I miss you already, Your visit are few and far between and too, too short. I know you have to visit the Grandbabies, that I understand . and speaking of grandbabies don’t forget to get that picture of
    Oliver and Pop-Pop framed. (Its priceless). Well Kiddos, have a great trip, be careful and think of me and I will be in touch with you every few weeks. Take care.

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